Dora's Decision
Dora's Decision Dora's Decision Dora's throat was sore and scratchy again. At breakfast it had really hurt to swallow her eggs, so Mom had decided to take her to the doctor. "Stick out your tongue and say aahh,"said Dr. Aguilar, shining a flashlight into Dora's mouth. "You have a throat infection, and it's the fourth one you've had this year. We'll see how you do after you take the new medicine, but your tonsils may have to come out." Dora wanted her throat to feel better, but she was afraid
Dora's Decision

Dora's Decision

Dora's throat was sore and scratchy again.At breakfast it had really hurt to swallow her eggs, so Mom had decided to take her to the doctor.
"Stick out your tongue and say aahh,"said Dr. Aguilar, shining a flashlight into Dora's mouth."You have a throat infection, and it's the fourth one you've had this year.We'll see how you do after you take the new medicine, but your tonsils may have to come out."
Dora wanted her throat to feel better, but she was afraid of having her tonsils taken out.
The new medicine had worked, but three weeks later when Dora woke up, her throat felt scratchy again.At breakfast she could barely swallow her toast.If Mom found out that Dora's throat was bothering her again, Mom would take her to see the doctor.Dora was scared, and she didn't want to have her tonsils taken out.
"I noticed that you didn't eat much at breakfast," Mom said to Dora later in the family room. "Are you feeling OK?"
"I'm fine, Mom," Dora told her. "I just wanted to finish reading my book."
"Are you sure that your throat isn't bothering you again?"
Dora nodded and went back to reading her book.
After she finished reading, Dora went to find Chico, the family dog.She asked Chico if he wanted to go for a walk.
When Chico heard the word walk, he barked and jumped up.
As they were walking, Dora said, "I'm worried, Chico.If my throat stops me from eating breakfast again tomorrow, Mom will know that I have a sore throat.Then she'll take me to see Dr. Aguilar. What should I do?"
"Woof," said Chico.
That night Dora's friend Daisy called.
"My throat hurts again," Dora told her."I've tried gargling with salt water when Mom's not around, but it isn't working.What am I going to do?" asked Dora.
"I don't want my tonsils taken out, and I'm going to be really upset if I can't go on our class field trip next week to see the play.Maybe if I go to bed early tonight and get plenty of sleep, I'll be okay in the morning," Dora added as she sighed.
"That sounds like a good plan," Daisy said.
Saturday morning Grandma and Grandpa got up early and went to the Farmer's Market at the park downtown, where they bought a large bag of oranges. After they got back, Mom and Grandma took turns squeezing the oranges to make juice for breakfast.
"Why aren't you drinking your juice, Dora?" Mom asked.
"I'm not thirsty," Dora told her.
"Are you sure that your throat isn't bothering you?"
"I'm fine, Mom."
Dora loved orange juice, but when she took a sip, it burned her throat.She tried adding some sugar to make it sweeter, but she still couldn't drink it.
"I remember when your mom was your age," Grandpa said to Dora."She kept getting throat infections."
"Dr. Rivera told us that your mom's tonsils had to come out," added Grandma."The hospital was in the next town, and back then you had to stay in the hospital for three days! We went to see your mom every day, but we weren't allowed to stay the night.She was brave throughout the operation and her hospital stay, so when your mom came home, we surprised her with a gift.Grandpa and I bought her a gold charm bracelet!"
When Dora woke up the next morning, her throat hurt so much that she could hardly talk.She decided that she couldn't tolerate the pain anymore, so she finally told Mom about her sore throat.Mom was glad that Dora told her and said that they would go to the doctor's office the next morning.
At the office, Dora's throat was examined by Dr. Aguilar.He told her that her tonsils would have to come out. He gave Mom the name of a special doctor who would take out Dora's tonsils.They would go to see Dr. Robinson the next day, even though Dora's tonsils wouldn't be taken out until next week.
"The good news is that after your operation, you can eat all the ice cream that you want," Dr. Aguilar said."The bad news is that your throat will be very sore for a few days, and you won't be able to talk a lot."