Dragon Danger
Dragon Danger Dragon Danger Floppy was dreaming about dragons. Floppy saw a baby dragon with its mother. The mother dragon saw Floppy. “Go away,” she roared. The dragon roared again and flapped her wings. She flew towards Floppy. “Oh help!” he said. WHOOSH! Flames came out of the dragon’s mouth. Floppy hid, but the dragon saw him. Floppy ran onto a bridge. WHOOSH! More flames came out of the dragon’s mouth. “Help!” said Floppy. “The bridge is on fire.” Floppy ran
Dragon Danger

Dragon Danger

Floppy was dreaming about dragons.

Floppy saw a baby dragon with its mother.

The mother dragon saw Floppy.
“Go away,” she roared.
The dragon roared again and flapped her wings.
She flew towards Floppy.
“Oh help!” he said.
WHOOSH! Flames came out of the dragon’s mouth.
Floppy hid, but the dragon saw him.