FIVE CREATURES FIVE CREATURES Five creatures live in our house. Three humans, and two cats. Three short, and two tall. Four grownups, and one child. (That's me!) Three with orange hair, and two with gray. Two with long hair, three with short. Four who like to eat fish. Three who like to drink milk, one who's allergic, and one who has it only in coffee. Two who like to eat mice. Only one who likes to eat beets. Three who sleep in my bed. Three who don't l


Five creatures live in our house.
Three humans, and two cats.
Three short, and two tall.
Four grownups, and one child.
(That's me!)
Three with orange hair,
and two with gray.
Two with long hair,
three with short.
Four who like to eat fish.
Three who like to drink milk,
one who's allergic,
and one who has it only in coffee.
Two who like to eat mice.
Only one who likes to eat beets.
Three who sleep in my bed.
Three who don't like taking baths.
Three who can button buttons.
Four who can open cupboards.