Fly Away
Fly Away Fly Away One day a boy was playing in his yard. He saw something near a pile of wood. It was an owl. The owl was hurt. The boy yelled for his dad. His dad opened the door and came out. His dad looked at the owl. Then he called an animal shelter. That's a place where you can take hurt animals. A woman from the shelter came and looked at the owl. Its wing was broken. The woman knew what to do. She put the owl in a cage and took it back to the shelter. The wom
Fly Away

Fly Away

One day a boy was playing in his yard.
He saw something near a pile of wood.
It was an owl. The owl was hurt.
The boy yelled for his dad.
His dad opened the door and came out.
His dad looked at the owl.
Then he called an animal shelter.
That's a place where you can take hurt animals.