Footprints Footprints Moosling saw something in the mud. “What is that?” asked Moosling. “Those are footprints,” said Beaver. “Our feet make footprints when we walk.” Beaver made a new footprint in the mud. “See?” he said. The next day, Moosling was out walking. He saw more footprints! “I think Rabbit made those footprints,” he said. “I will follow them and see.” He followed them . . . And there was Rabbit! “Rabbit!” said Moosling. “I found you!” “You did?” as


Moosling saw something in the mud.
“What is that?” asked Moosling.
“Those are footprints,” said Beaver.
“Our feet make footprints when we walk.”
Beaver made a new footprint in the mud.
“See?” he said.
The next day, Moosling was out walking.
He saw more footprints!
“I think Rabbit made those footprints,” he said.
“I will follow them and see.”
He followed them . . .
And there was Rabbit!
“Rabbit!” said Moosling.
“I found you!”
“You did?” asked Rabbit.
Soon Moosling saw more footprints.
“I think Skunk made those,” he said.
“I will follow them and see.”
He followed them . . .