Having Fun Long Ago and Today
Having Fun Long Ago and Today Having Fun Long Ago and Today Imagine that you lived a long time ago. What would you and your friends have done for fun? Long ago, children played board games. Today, many children still play board games. Long ago, children listened to their favorite songs on the radio. Today, children also listen to music. Many children play their favorite songs on small music players. Long ago, books cost a lot of money. Many families could buy only a few books.
Having Fun Long Ago and Today

Having Fun Long Ago and Today

Imagine that you lived a long time ago.
What would you and your friends have done for fun?
Long ago, children played board games.
Today, many children still play board games.
Long ago, children listened to their favorite songs on the radio.
Today, children also listen to music.
Many children play their favorite songs on small music players.