Hide and Cheat
Hide and Cheat Hide and Cheat In this story… Story setting: Tiger's house... Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger were playing hide and seek. "It's not fair," said Cat. "Tiger always wins." Tiger grinned. "I am the best at hiding," he said. It was Cat's turn to seek. "I am going to count to twenty," she said. "And this time I am going to find Tiger." Cat closed her eyes and counted. The boys ran off to look for hiding places. "... eighteen, nineteen, TWENTY!" cried Cat. "I'm coming, ready or
Hide and Cheat

Hide and Cheat

In this story…

Story setting: Tiger's house...

Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger were playing hide and seek.
"It's not fair," said Cat. "Tiger always wins."
Tiger grinned. "I am the best at hiding," he said.
It was Cat's turn to seek. "I am going to count to twenty," she said."And this time I am going to find Tiger."
Cat closed her eyes and counted. The boys ran off to look for hiding places.
"... eighteen, nineteen, TWENTY!" cried Cat. "I'm coming, ready or not!"
When Cat opened her eyes, she saw a small red dot on her watch.The dot moved. Then it stopped. "That's funny," Cat thought.
Cat soon found Ant hiding behind the sofa.
She found Max under Tiger's bed.
But Tiger had disappeared!
Cat looked down at her watch. The red dot was still there.
"Tiger's watch is red," said Cat to herself. Then she had a thought.
Cat went back to Tiger's room. The dot began to flash.Cat looked at all the things on Tiger's shelf.There were some rocks, his swimming medals and a football cup.There were some marbles and the micro-buggy.
Cat looked again. The buggy had a driver. It was Tiger! "You cheat!" Cat squealed.