Kipper's Monster
Kipper's Monster Kipper's Monster Tiger had a brand new torch. 'It's the most powerful torch there is!' he said to Kipper. He shone it at Big Owl. He shone it at Hippo. He shone it in Kipper's face. 'You should see it when it's dark!' he said. 'It's REALLY good when it's dark!' He sat in Kipper's basket and pulled the blanket over his head. 'Come on! We can make it dark under here!' he said. Under the blanket was one of Kipper's storybooks. 'That's another thing!' said Ti
Kipper's Monster

Kipper's Monster

Tiger had a brand new torch.
'It's the most powerful torch there is!' he said to Kipper.
He shone it at Big Owl.
He shone it at Hippo.
He shone it in Kipper's face.
'You should see it when it's dark!' he said.
'It's REALLY good when it's dark!'
He sat in Kipper's basket and pulled the blanket over his head.
'Come on! We can make it dark under here!' he said.
Under the blanket was one of Kipper's storybooks.
'That's another thing!' said Tiger.
'You can read under the bedclothes with a torch like this!'
Kipper began to read.
'Deep in the middle of the dark, dark wood, there lived a horrible, horrendous, terrible, tremendous...'
'That's it!' shouted Tiger, jumping up.
'We'll camp in the woods tonight!
It'll be really, REALLY dark in the woods.'
'Shall I bring my book?' said Kipper.
So they took the book and some biscuits and they put up their tent in the middle of the woods, at the bottom of Big Hill.
But as it began to get dark Tiger began to think that perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all.
'Come inside and have a biscuit,' said Kipper.
'Do you want Rabbit or Big Owl?'
But Tiger didn't reply.
He was looking nervously out of the door.
'Do you think there are any bears in these woods?' he whispered.
'No, I shouldn't think so,' said Kipper.
He began to read.
'Deep in the middle of the dark, dark wood, there lived a horrible...'
But Tiger wasn't ready.
He asked Kipper to sit next to the door, instead of him.
And when Kipper tried again to read, Tiger got up and zipped the door shut altogether.
But the third time Kipper tried to read, from somewhere outside the tent,
there came the most terrible, tremendous, horrible, horrendous,