Just A Little Sick
Just A Little Sick Just A Little Sick I am just a little sick today. Mom says, "No school. You need to stay in bed." Being just a little sick is fun. I get breakfast in bed. Yay! It is just plain toast. Yuck! "I want Fruity Nut Crunch," I say. Mom says, "You are too sick. Go back to bed." "I am not too sick to play video games." "Yes, you are," says Mom. "Now go to bed and rest." I am not too sick to fly to the moon on my rocket ship. "The rocket ship ran out of gas," Mom
Just A Little Sick

Just A Little Sick

I am just a little sick today.
Mom says, "No school. You need to stay in bed."
Being just a little sick is fun.
I get breakfast in bed. Yay!
It is just plain toast. Yuck!
"I want Fruity Nut Crunch," I say.
Mom says, "You are too sick. Go back to bed."
"I am not too sick to play video games."
"Yes, you are," says Mom. "Now go to bed and rest."
I am not too sick to fly to the moon on my rocket ship.
"The rocket ship ran out of gas," Mom says. "It needs to rest."
I am not too sick to build a tent on my bed.
I am hiding from my bear.
Suddenly I don't feel good. My bear and I go to find Mom.