Alien Invasion!
Alien Invasion! Alien Invasion! Billy liked to look at the stars before he went to sleep. He did not know that up in space there was an alien spaceship. It was flying very fast towards the Earth. The aliens were green and spotty. They had long teeth and bad breath. They were horrid! They were so horrid that they did not send birthday cards to anyone. Not even to their mums. The planet that the aliens lived on had ten moons, a pink sky and a red sun. Rain that looked like custard fell
Alien Invasion!

Alien Invasion!

Billy liked to look at the stars before he went to sleep.

He did not know that up in space there was an alien spaceship.It was flying very fast towards the Earth.

The aliens were green and spotty.They had long teeth and bad breath.They were horrid!
They were so horrid that they did not send birthday cards to anyone.Not even to their mums.
The planet that the aliens lived on had ten moons, a pink sky and a red sun.Rain that looked like custard fell all day.The aliens hated it.
They wanted to move somewhere nice, like Earth.
So the horrid aliens planned an invasion!
The next morning Billy set off for school.As he walked, Billy looked up.
"I wonder why the sky is blue in the day but black at night?" said Billy.
At school, Billy looked out of the window.He wondered what was above the clouds, out in space.