Latkes for Sam
Latkes for Sam Latkes for Sam CHAPTER 1 All About Latkes Dad opened the front door. Sam was here to sleep over! Emma said, “Hi, Sam! What do you have?” Sam said, “It’s bread. My mom and I made it. We can eat it tomorrow.” Emma said, “Thanks! We are going to make latkes tonight.” Sam said, “Can you say the word again? I have not heard it before.” Emma told her, “We say lot-kuh, but some people say lot-key.” Sam asked, “How do you make latkes?” Emma said, “We use pota
Latkes for Sam

Latkes for Sam

CHAPTER 1 All About Latkes
Dad opened the front door.
Sam was here to sleep over!
Emma said, “Hi, Sam! What do you have?”
Sam said, “It’s bread.
My mom and I made it.
We can eat it tomorrow.”
Emma said, “Thanks! We are going to make latkes tonight.”
Sam said, “Can you say the word again?
I have not heard it before.”
Emma told her, “We say lot-kuh, but some people say lot-key.”
Sam asked, “How do you make latkes?”
Emma said, “We use potatoes, onions, oil, eggs, and other good things.
Latkes are so yummy!”
Sam said, “Maybe I’ll taste one!”
Mom said, “Good idea. Here is your apron.”