LET'S CARPOOL LET'S CARPOOL Chapter 1 Hurry Up! "Hurry, kids! We're running late! Grab your lunches. Let's go!" Mrs. Carter said. Emma and Kate hurried to finish their cereal. They got their lunches. "Come on, Josh, we're late!" Emma complained. "I can't find my backpack!" Josh replied. "Josh! Kate! Emma! Time to go!" their mother called from the car. As usual, it was a big rush. Every morning, their mother or father had to drive them to school. Kate and Emma grabbed their enor


Chapter 1 Hurry Up!

"Hurry, kids! We're running late! Grab your lunches. Let's go!" Mrs. Carter said.
Emma and Kate hurried to finish their cereal.They got their lunches. "Come on, Josh, we're late!" Emma complained.
"I can't find my backpack!" Josh replied.
"Josh! Kate! Emma! Time to go!" their mother called from the car.
As usual, it was a big rush.Every morning, their mother or father had to drive them to school.
Kate and Emma grabbed their enormous backpacks.Then they ran out the door.Josh dug through the piles in his room."Where's my backpack?" he said.
Finally he saw it. It was behind the chair."Found it!" Josh yelled.
"HURRY!" called their mother, not so gently this time.
Josh ran outside. He got into the car.Then Mom turned onto the road.She talked as she drove.
"Kids, let's go over our afternoon schedule.What activities do you have after school?" Mom asked.
"I have dance class," said Kate. "I have soccer," said Josh.
"I have art class," said Emma. Their mother just sighed.
Chapter 2 A Great Idea