Look at Chameleon!

Look at Chameleon! Look at Chameleon! The Best Lizard Chameleon was a cute little lizard. He always played games with the other lizards. He liked to jump and run. He liked to play tag. One day, the lizard friends sat by a pond. "I am the best lizard of all," said Yellow Lizard. "I can hide in the yellow sunlight." White Lizard said, "I am the best. I can hide in the white flowers." Green Lizard said, "I am the best. I can hide in the green grass." Brown Lizard said,


Look at Chameleon!

Look at Chameleon!

The Best Lizard

Chameleon was a cute little lizard.

He always played games with the other lizards.

He liked to jump and run.

He liked to play tag.

One day, the lizard friends sat by a pond.

"I am the best lizard of all," said Yellow Lizard.

"I can hide in the yellow sunlight."

White Lizard said, "I am the best.

I can hide in the white flowers."

Green Lizard said, "I am the best.

I can hide in the green grass."

Brown Lizard said, "I am the best.

I can hide in the brown earth."
