Mouse Soup
Mouse Soup Mouse Soup A mouse sat under a tree. He was reading a book. A weasel jumped out and caught the mouse. The weasel took the mouse home. "Ah!" said the weasel. "I am going to make mouse soup." "Oh!" said the mouse. "I am going to be mouse soup." The weasel put the mouse in a cooking pot. "WAIT!" said the mouse. "This soup will not taste good. It has no stories in it. Mouse soup must be mixed with stories to make it taste really good." "But I have no stories," said th
Mouse Soup

Mouse Soup

A mouse sat under a tree. He was reading a book.

A weasel jumped out and caught the mouse.

The weasel took the mouse home.
"Ah!" said the weasel. "I am going to make mouse soup."
"Oh!" said the mouse. "I am going to be mouse soup."
The weasel put the mouse in a cooking pot.
"WAIT!" said the mouse.
"This soup will not taste good. It has no stories in it.
Mouse soup must be mixed with stories to make it taste really good."
"But I have no stories," said the weasel.
"I do," said the mouse. "I can tell them now."
"All right," said the weasel. "But hurry. I am very hungry."
"Here are four stories to put in the soup," said the mouse.