Our Camping Trip

Our Camping Trip Our Camping Trip Packing Up We’re going camping! We pack our tent, sleeping bags, and cooking gear. “Don’t forget the camera!” I say. We drive to the lake, and we set up camp. Click! I take a picture. Nighttime “Time to eat,” says Dad. We build a fire to cook hamburgers and hot dogs. Click! I take a picture. “Time for bed,” says Mom. We get into our sleeping bags. We look at the stars. Click! I take a picture. Bear and Fish In the morning,


Our Camping Trip

Our Camping Trip

Packing Up

We’re going camping!

We pack our tent, sleeping bags, and cooking gear.

“Don’t forget the camera!” I say.

We drive to the lake, and we set up camp.

Click! I take a picture.


“Time to eat,” says Dad.

We build a fire to cook hamburgers and hot dogs.

Click! I take a picture.
