Out for Lunch

Out for Lunch Out for Lunch “Let's go out to eat,” said my mom. So Mom and I went out for lunch. My grandma and my brother went, too. “I like pizza,” said my mom. “I think I'll have a cheese pizza.” “I like soup,” said my grandma. “I think I'll have some chicken soup.” “I like hot dogs,” said my brother. “I think I'll have a hot dog on a bun.” “I like peanut butter and jelly,” I said. “I'll have some peanut butter and jelly.” “They don't have peanut butter and jelly,”


Out for Lunch

Out for Lunch

“Let's go out to eat,” said my mom.

So Mom and I went out for lunch.

My grandma and my brother went, too.

“I like pizza,” said my mom.

“I think I'll have a cheese pizza.”

“I like soup,” said my grandma.

“I think I'll have some chicken soup.”

“I like hot dogs,” said my brother.

“I think I'll have a hot dog on a bun.”

“I like peanut butter and jelly,” I said.

“I'll have some peanut butter and jelly.”

“They don't have peanut butter and jelly,” said my mom.

“Do you want a pizza?

Do you want a hot dog or some chicken soup?”
