Pen pal

Pen pal Pen pal Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup. Children, who would like a pen pal? Me! me! What's a pen pal? A pen pal is a boy or girl you can write letters to. This is a girl lives in France. Her name is Delphine Donkey. Can Delphine Donkey be my pen pal? Of course, Peppa. Hooray! It is early morning. Mr Zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house. Post! Peppa and George love it when the post arrives. It's address to Ms. Peppa Pig. That's me. M


Pen pal

Pen pal

Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup.

Children, who would like a pen pal? Me! me!

What's a pen pal? A pen pal is a boy or girl you can write letters to.

This is a girl lives in France. Her name is Delphine Donkey.

Can Delphine Donkey be my pen pal? Of course, Peppa. Hooray!

It is early morning.

Mr Zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house.

Post! Peppa and George love it when the post arrives.

It's address to Ms. Peppa Pig.

That's me. Mummy, can you read it for me? Of course.

It's from Delphine Donkey...

My pen pal. What does she say?

Bonjour, peppa, Comment ca va.

Mummy, why are you saying those funny words?

It's French, Peppa. It means hello, how are you?

What else does she say? Mm ... I'll help.

J' aime les princesse et jouer avec mes amis.

Clever Daddy. I am an expert in French. What does it mean?

Mm ... Daddy pig clean his glasses so he can see the letter more clearly.

It's no good. It's nonsense.
