Quiz Quiz Biff had a quiz. This is me. I am big… with a long, thin neck… with long legs… and thick lips. Is this it? Yes. Kipper had a go at the quiz. I am long and thin, with no legs. I can hiss…hisssssssssss! Is this it? Yes. Chip had a go at the quiz. It hops on long, back legs. It can box and kick. Is this it? Yes. Mum had a go. It has long, thin legs. Is this it? Yes. Dad had a go. Quack, quack, quack. Dad is a duck. But D


Biff had a quiz.
This is me.
I am big…
with a long, thin neck…
with long legs…
and thick lips.
Is this it?
Kipper had a go at the quiz.
I am long and thin, with no legs.
I can hiss…hisssssssssss!