Rain Rain It was hot. Everything was hot and dry. The red soil was hot and dry and cracked. A porcupine sniffed around. “It's time,” she whispered. “The rain is coming! I can smell it. I must tell the zebras.” Lightning flashed. “The rain is coming!” said the zebras. “Porcupine can smell it. We can see it. We must tell the baboons.” Thunder boomed. “The rain is coming!” cried the baboons. “Porcupine can smell it. The zebras can see it. We can hear it. We must


It was hot.
Everything was hot and dry.
The red soil was hot and dry and cracked.
A porcupine sniffed around.
“It's time,” she whispered.
“The rain is coming! I can smell it.
I must tell the zebras.”
Lightning flashed.
“The rain is coming!” said the zebras.
“Porcupine can smell it. We can see it.
We must tell the baboons.”
Thunder boomed.
“The rain is coming!” cried the baboons.
“Porcupine can smell it. The zebras can see it.
We can hear it. We must tell the rhino.”
A raindrop splashed.
“The rain is here!” said the rhino.
“Porcupine smelled it. The zebras saw it.
The baboons heard it.
And I felt it. I must tell the lion.”
The lion spoke in a deep purr.
“Yes, the rain is here.
I can smell it. I can see it.
I can hear it. I can feel it.
“And,” he sighed, “I can taste it.”