Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstiltskin In the far off times, there lived a poor miller and his daughter, Lily. Lily was kind and clever and good, but the miller was a show-off, who liked to tell tall tales. Lily was in love with a prince, but was too poor to be his wife. So the miller went to the King and boasted about his daughter. "She can spin straw into pure gold," he said. The King was delighted and summoned Lily to the castle. There, he took her to a turret and showed her a bale of straw.


In the far off times, there lived a poor miller and his daughter, Lily.Lily was kind and clever and good, but the miller was a show-off, who liked to tell tall tales.

Lily was in love with a prince, but was too poor to be his wife.So the miller went to the King and boasted about his daughter.
"She can spin straw into pure gold," he said.
The King was delighted and summoned Lily to the castle.There, he took her to a turret and showed her a bale of straw.
"Spin it into gold by morning and you may marry my son," he said. Then he locked the door.
But, of course, Lily had no idea what to do, and stamped her foot crossly.At this sound, a goblin appeared.
"Give me your necklace and I will spin the straw into gold," he said.
Lily's necklace had belonged to her mother, so she did not want to give it away.Yet she did want to marry the Prince, so she agreed.The goblin was as good as his word and spun the straw into reels of gold.
The King was pleased, but he was also greedy.He took Lily to another turret with two bales of straw.
"Spin it into gold by morning and you may marry my son," he said. Then he locked the door.
Again Lily stamped her foot, and again the goblin appeared.
"Give me your ring and I will spin the straw into gold for you," he said.
Lily gave him the ring and the goblin spun the straw into reels of gold.
The King smiled when he saw the gold, but it made him greedier still.
He took Lily to another turret with three bales of straw.
"Spin it into gold by morning and you may marry my son," he said. Then he locked the door.
Again Lily stamped her foot and again the goblin appeared.
"I have nothing left to give you," she said. "But I need your help."
So the goblin thought, and replied, "Give me your first child and I will spin the straw into gold."
Lily, who did not much care for babies, agreed and the goblin spun the straw into reels of gold.This time, the King kept his word and Lily married the Prince.
The years passed, and in her happiness, Lily forgot that she did not much care for babies.She and the Prince had a little boy. They called him Tom.
Lily also forgot her promise to the goblin. But the goblin did not forget.On Tom's first birthday, he came to the castle and said, "Give me your baby."
Lily could not bear to be parted from Tom, and offered the goblin gold instead.But the goblin said Tom was the only treasure he wanted.