SMALL WOLF SMALL WOLF Small Wolf lived with his family in a village on the banks of a river. His mother planted corn and did the cooking, and his father did the hunting. His father hunted deer and bears and smaller things to eat. What they didn't eat they made into clothes. But Small Wolf was too small to go hunting. All he could do was fish from his canoe. He caught fish with a hook made of bone. And he caught fish with a net of woven string. He also caught eels and dug for clam


Small Wolf lived with his family in a village on the banks of a river.

His mother planted corn and did the cooking, and his father did the hunting.

His father hunted deer and bears and smaller things to eat.
What they didn't eat they made into clothes.
But Small Wolf was too small to go hunting.All he could do was fish from his canoe.
He caught fish with a hook made of bone.
And he caught fish with a net of woven string.
He also caught eels and dug for clams and oysters.
It was a good life, and he liked fishing.
But after a while he tired of catching fish.
He wanted to hunt for bigger things.
He asked his father to let him try. "After all," he said, "what can I lose?
An arrow or two, and that's all." "All right," his father said.
"There is good hunting on the Island of Hills, downriver.
Take your canoe, and spend a night and a day there, and see what luck you have."
"Ya-hoo!" cried Small Wolf.He got in his canoe and went to Manhattan, the Island of Hills.
"If I hunt well here," he thought, "and shoot a lot of deer and bears and foxesand wolves and moose and eagles and weasels and ottersand skunks and wildcats, then I will be a man like my father.
"I'll be able to wear feathers in my hair and colors on my face."
He did not know that to be a man was more than just shooting things.
There were other Indians hunting and fishing on Manhattan, but Small Wolf wanted to be alone.
So he pulled his canoe up on the bank and hid it, and went into the forest.
When it got dark, Small Wolf made camp. He made a shelter, and he made a fire.
He cooked a small bird he had shot. And then he lay down.
But he did not go to sleep, because the night was full of things.
It was full of sounds - woo HOO! Grek! Oww!
Snap! Crackle! Pop! Grotch! Bligger bligger bligger Yow!
And it was full of eyes.
Small Wolf did not fall asleep until daylight.
When he woke up, he saw a path through the woods.
"I think I'll follow this and see where it goes," he said.
"It may take me to where there is good game."
So he said "Ya-hoo!" a couple of times for good luck and set off, ready for anything.
But he was not ready for what happened next.
He came out of the woods, and he could not believe what he saw.
He saw things he had never seen before houses with chimneys, and ships with sails,and a house with four arms that twirled around, and a man whose face was all WHITE!
The man had a fat jaw and cracks between his teeth.
Small Wolf thought the man was wearing some devil mask.
Off a ship came odd animals.
There came horses with long manes and tails.
There came cows with short horns and black spots.
There came sheep with curled horns and black faces.
There came pigs with curled tails and stubby noses.
And they were so big and strange, and made such queer sounds: MOO! BAA! and OINK!
Small Wolf was afraid. "I did not come to hunt this kind of thing," he said.
"They are too much for me!" And he ran back into the woods.
He ran all the way back up the path until he found his canoe,and he paddled away from Manhattan as fast as he could.
When Small Wolf got home, he told his father what he had seen.
"I saw a man all painted white!" he said.
"His hands and face were white, and his jaws were fat,and he had teeth like a medicine man - or a devil!"
"I know about the white men," said his father.
"They came some time ago. They are all right, if you leave them alone."
"But then there were animals!' said Small Wolf.
"You never saw such animals!
Some have horns like this, and some have horns like that,and some have bushy tails, and some have curly tails,and they make noises like MOO! BAA! and OINK!-you would not believe it unless you saw it!"
"All right," said his father. "That sounds interesting. I'll go and see."
"Interesting?" said Small Wolf. "It's terrifying! Just wait!"
So they took the canoe and went back to Manhattan.
"There!" said Small Wolf when they reached the town.
"There are the animals! Did you ever see anything like them?"
"They are odd," his father agreed.
"Let's ask someone and see what we can find out."