Storm Castle
Storm Castle Storm Castle Nadim's mum and dad had to go away, so Nadim came to stay at Biff and Chip's house. Nadim had a bag with all his things, but he had a big box, too. "What's in that big box?" asked Chip. "Wait and see," said Nadim. The children went to Biff's room. Nadim had the big box. He opened it and took out his computer. "Brilliant!" said Chip. "I've got some new computer games," said Nadim. "But we can play with them later. I've got something else to play with." Nadim h
Storm Castle

Storm Castle

Nadim's mum and dad had to go away, so Nadim came to stay at Biff and Chip's house.
Nadim had a bag with all his things, but he had a big box, too.
"What's in that big box?" asked Chip. "Wait and see," said Nadim.
The children went to Biff's room. Nadim had the big box.He opened it and took out his computer. "Brilliant!" said Chip.
"I've got some new computer games," said Nadim."But we can play with them later. I've got something else to play with."
Nadim had some robots.
"These are great," said Kipper. "I'm going to get one like this. It's my favourite."
Biff and Chip had a robot, too. They went to fetch it.
"We're going to have a great time," said Nadim.
Wilf came to play. He had one of his new toys. It was a space craft.
Biff, Wilf and Kipper played with all the toys.Kipper said he wanted to be a robot when he grew up.
"You can't," said Biff. "People can't be robots."
Chip and Nadim played on the computer.One of Nadim's new games was called "Storm Castle". It looked exciting.
"It's quite hard," said Nadim. "I'll show you how to play, then you can have a go." "It looks great," said Chip.
Everyone watched Nadim play Storm Castle.
"You have to go through all the rooms," he said. "But there is a danger in every room. Look."
In the first room, the floor opened.You could fall through, but Nadim didn't. "That was clever," said Chip.
Nadim was good on the computer. He got through all the rooms safely.
"Chip can have a go next," said Nadim. "You can all have a go if you like."
"You're brilliant at it," said Chip. "I won't be very good when I have my go."
Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.
"Oh no!" said Biff. "I don't want the key to glow.I don't want a magic adventure. I want to play on Nadim's computer."
"I don't want a magic adventure, either," said Chip. "I think I know where it will be."
"Where do you think it will be?" asked Kipper. "Storm Castle," said Chip.
"Oh no!" said Wilf. "I don't think we're going to like this adventure. Storm Castle is full of dangers."
"It's a good job Nadim is with us," said Biff.
The magic didn't take them inside the castle.It took them to a desert. Storm Castle was in front of them.
"Why didn't the magic take us inside the castle?" said Wilf. "And where's Nadim?" asked Chip.
"Oh no! Giant robots," said Wilf. "Run for it!"
The children ran as fast as they could. The robots were not very fast, but there were lots of them.
"We'll have to get into Storm Castle," said Biff. "Come on."
The children saw a bridge. It was the only way to the castle.
"This is the way in," said Wilf. "The robots can't get across this."
"I hope it's safe," said Chip. "It's a long way to fall."
Suddenly, the bridge began to open in the middle.
"Jump for it!" called Chip. "If it opens too much, you won't get across."
Biff and Kipper ran as fast as they could. Then they jumped across.
Wilf was still on the other side. The gap was getting wider and wider.
"Come on, Wilf!" called Biff. "You can do it. Run as fast as you can and jump.We'll grab you." Wilf ran and jumped.
"Hooray! He's made it," shouted Kipper.
The gate of the castle was closing. It was getting lower and lower.The children ran as fast as they could. Chip ran to the gate and rolled under it.
"Come on!" he shouted. "We don't want to be shut out of the castle."