Chapter 2 August 29, 1916
Chapter 2 August 29, 1916 Chapter 2 August 29, 1916 - Somewhere in Louisiana, on the train to Chicago! Dear Diary, I have seen so much today! It feels like sunrise was years ago! I had never been farther than the general store. I had never seen the shiny trains or all the dressed-up passengers from all over Jackson County. The train is so fancy. The seats are leather. There's even a restaurant car where people can eat. Not us - we're eating cornbread at our seats, but I'm just happy to be on bo
Chapter 2 August 29, 1916
Chapter 2 August 29, 1916 - Somewhere in Louisiana, on the train to Chicago!

Dear Diary, I have seen so much today! It feels like sunrise was years ago!I had never been farther than the general store.I had never seen the shiny trains or all the dressed-up passengers from all over Jackson County.
The train is so fancy. The seats are leather.There's even a restaurant car where people can eat.Not us - we're eating cornbread at our seats, but I'm just happy to be on board. Yours in amazement, Ellie