Green Island
Green Island Green Island Mr. Johnson took his class away for the week. They went to a big house called Seabay House. Mrs. May went too. The children were excited. Seabay House was near the sea and there were lots of interesting things to do. Everyone unloaded the bus. "Some of these bags and cases are heavy," said Mr. Johnson. "We're only here for a week." Mrs. May found a toothbrush. "Whose toothbrush is this?" she asked. "Oh dear," said Biff. "I think it's mine." Mr. Johnson showed
Green Island

Green Island

Mr. Johnson took his class away for the week.They went to a big house called Seabay House.
Mrs. May went too. The children were excited.Seabay House was near the sea and there were lots of interesting things to do.
Everyone unloaded the bus.
"Some of these bags and cases are heavy," said Mr. Johnson."We're only here for a week." Mrs. May found a toothbrush."Whose toothbrush is this?" she asked. "Oh dear," said Biff. "I think it's mine."
Mr. Johnson showed the boys their room. "You'll be sleeping in here," he said."I want the top bunk," shouted Chip. "No, I want the top bunk," shouted Wilf.
Mr. Johnson tossed a coin. "Heads or tails?" he said.
Mr. Johnson gave the children a map. Then he took the children for a long walk.After a while they stopped for a rest. The children looked at their maps.Mr. Johnson showed them the places they could see.
"Your map's upside down, Biff," said Wilf.
Nadim pointed to a little island out at sea. "What's that island called?" he asked.
"Look on your maps," said Mr. Johnson. "Who can tell me what the island is called?"
Chip and Anneena knew. "It's called Green Island," they said.
Everyone was hungry after the long walk.When they got back it was time for supper.
The children served the food, and then they helped wash up.
"I don't like washing up at home," said Wilf, "but it's fun washing up here."
That night the children were tired but they couldn't sleep.Chip kept telling jokes and making silly noises.
In the end, Mr. Johnson came in. He was cross with Chip.
"I'll send you to bed at six o'clock tomorrow, if I hear any more noise."
The next day, the children did a beach study. Some children worked with Mr. Johnson.They made squares on the beach and looked at everything in each square.
Biff found a shell with a crab inside it. "It's called a hermit crab," she said.
Some children worked with Mrs. May. They looked carefully in all the rock pools.
Nadim and Wilf caught a large crab. "Look at this," they called.
Mrs. May showed them how to hold the crab."We'll look at it, then we'll let it go," she said.
Chip and Anneena found a seagull. It couldn't fly.
"Oh dear!" said Mr. Johnson. "It can't fly because it has oil on its feathers.Oil is hard to get off, so be careful, everyone. Mind you don't get oil on you."
"How do we get the oil off the seagull?" asked Chip.
Mr. Johnson took the children to see Mrs. Honey.
"If anyone can help the seagull, Mrs. Honey can," said Mr. Johnson.
"This poor old gull needs a clean," said Mrs. Honey.She looked at Anneena and Chip. "And so do you," she said.
"Oil is terrible stuff," said Mrs. Honey."You can see what it does to animals and birds if it spills into the sea."
"It is terrible," said Mrs. May. "I'm having trouble getting it off Chip and Anneena."
"I feel really sorry for the seagull," said Chip.
"What will happen to the seagull?" asked Wilf.
"Its feathers will be damaged," said Mrs. Honey."So first we'll clean the oil off. Then we'll look after it for a week or two.It has to get strong again, and its feathers have to get better. Then we'll let it go."
Mrs. Honey looked after all kinds of animals.She showed the children an otter. Then she gave it some fish.
"She's a sea-otter," she said. "I call her Fiona.She was hurt by a boat. Now she's better, I'm going to let her go."