Tag: level 45


Chapter 3 Fa'a Samoa

Chapter 3 Fa'a Samoa Chapter 3 Fa'a Samoa It was the morning of Elisapeta's wedding. When Salesi woke up, he felt miserable. Salesi...


From Thailand to California

From Thailand to California From Thailand to California Chapter 1 August 16 Koh Lanta, Thailand My name is Nongnoot. I live with my...


Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California

Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California Chapter 3 November 11 San Jose, California My favorite class is language arts, even though...


Chapter 2 August 23 San Jose, California

Chapter 2 August 23 San Jose, California Chapter 2 August 23 San Jose, California We flew on a plane from Bangkok to California. It...


Last One In is a ROTTEN EGG

Last One In is a ROTTEN EGG Last One In is a ROTTEN EGG "What a hot day," said Bobby. "It is too hot to play ball. It is too hot to...


Chapter 2 A Tip from a Visitor

Chapter 2 A Tip from a Visitor Chapter 2 A Tip from a Visitor "I'm going to the stockroom, Carly," Dad said. "Call me if you need...


Beautiful or Not

Beautiful or Not Beautiful or Not Chapter 1 The Perfect Picture Carly held her breath as the broad-tailed hummingbird fluttered near...


Chapter 4 The Perfect Picture, Part II

Chapter 4 The Perfect Picture, Part II Chapter 4 The Perfect Picture, Part II The next morning Carly took her camera and ran out to...


Chapter 3 Learning from the Past

Chapter 3 Learning from the Past Chapter 3 Learning from the Past When Carly got home that afternoon, she looked online for the Fort...


Chapter 2 What Is Happening?

Chapter 2 What Is Happening? Chapter 2 What Is Happening? The space station looked old, but everyone was surprised when they landed....


Space Adventure

Space Adventure Space Adventure Chapter 1 The Space Station Rahul stared out the window of the spaceship. "Mom, how long until we...


Chapter 4 Making a Friend

Chapter 4 Making a Friend Chapter 4 Making a Friend The alien looked like a large CD. It was covered in strange lights. As the kids...


Chapter 3 A Surprise Meeting

Chapter 3 A Surprise Meeting Chapter 3 A Surprise Meeting After a few weeks, everyone settled into life on the space station. The...


Chapter 2 An Extra Nose

Chapter 2 An Extra Nose Chapter 2 An Extra Nose After some more consideration, Todd had an idea. "I'll use the help of a special four-legged...


Chapter 4 A Surprise Discovery

Chapter 4 A Surprise Discovery Chapter 4 A Surprise Discovery Todd pulled Nosey out of the store. He was glad to be outside again,...


Chapter 3 What a Mess!

Chapter 3 What a Mess! Chapter 3 What a Mess! Todd took out his detective pad and read over his notes. His mother had been to the...