Tag: level 65
CHAPTER 4 Horse Sense
CHAPTER 4 Horse Sense CHAPTER 4 Horse Sense Anna didn't feel so much like hugging anybody as she wrote her name on the card to be...
Chapter 4 - Trapped
Chapter 4 - Trapped Chapter 4 - Trapped "That's no special effect!" said Cat. "A giant X-bot!" gasped Max. "Run!" Max, Cat and Ant...
Chapter 2 - The black van
Chapter 2 - The black van Chapter 2 - The black van Tiger pushed the button on the remote control and Robo-Rex's long tail swished...
Robot Rampage
Robot Rampage Robot Rampage THUD, THUD, THUD. The monster started to hammer at the buildings on either side of the alleyway. Bricks...
CHAPTER 3 Cow Hugging Time
CHAPTER 3 Cow Hugging Time CHAPTER 3 Cow Hugging Time Brady sat on the fence, kicking his heels against the bottom rail. "I can't...
CHAPTER 2 More Chicken than the Chickens
CHAPTER 2 More Chicken than the Chickens CHAPTER 2 More Chicken than the Chickens Had all her brain cells died over summer vacation?...
Chapter 4 Changes
Chapter 4 Changes Chapter 4 Changes Then came the morning when the princess went looking for her friends, only to find that they had...
Chapter 3 In Another World
Chapter 3 In Another World Chapter 3 In Another World For Princess Amber, the next phase of her adventure was like a dream. She was...
Chapter 2 The Princess
Chapter 2 The Princess Chapter 2 The Princess "Did you hear that?" Princess Amber asked her ladies-in-waiting. For, in one of those...
Chapter Four Homeward Bound
Chapter Four Homeward Bound Chapter Four Homeward Bound It seemed to Emilia that they would never leave Catania. By June, more lava...
Chapter Two Mount Etna's Fury
Chapter Two Mount Etna's Fury Chapter Two Mount Etna's Fury In the light of dawn, Emilia and her family examined the inside and outside...
CHAPTER 3 A Shallow Cave
CHAPTER 3 A Shallow Cave CHAPTER 3 A Shallow Cave By midnight, nobody had returned home - not Walter and King, not Jason and his mother....
Chapter Three Refuge in Catania
Chapter Three Refuge in Catania Chapter Three Refuge in Catania It took Emilia a few moments after she opened her eyes to realize...
CHAPTER 2 Anderson Learns the Truth
CHAPTER 2 Anderson Learns the Truth CHAPTER 2 Anderson Learns the Truth When they finally reached the animal shelter, Anderson was...
The Lost Cave
The Lost Cave The Lost Cave CHAPTER 1 Someone Is Missing Anderson tried extremely hard to be patient as his father, Walter, double-checked...
Chapter 4 The Special Stick
Chapter 4 The Special Stick Chapter 4 The Special Stick Miki went again to see the North Wind. He bent his head and spoke quietly....