The Ant and the Dove
The Ant and the Dove The Ant and the Dove Chapter 1 Dove Helps Ant On a bright, clear day, Ant went for a long, long walk. Soon he became thirsty and needed something to drink. So he went to find a stream. It was a stream that he had never been to before. Slowly Ant walked down to the bank of the stream. He heard the water rushing along. Ant carefully leaned over and began to sip the cool water. He was so happy to taste the refreshing water. Though Ant was careful, before he
The Ant and the Dove

The Ant and the Dove

Chapter 1 Dove Helps Ant
On a bright, clear day, Ant went for a long, long walk.
Soon he became thirsty and needed something to drink.
So he went to find a stream.
It was a stream that he had never been to before.
Slowly Ant walked down to the bank of the stream.
He heard the water rushing along.
Ant carefully leaned over and began to sip the cool water.
He was so happy to taste the refreshing water.
Though Ant was careful, before he knew it, he had lost his balance.
He was swept off the bank and fell into the cold, rushing stream.
Ant was terribly frightened because he had never learned to swim.
He paddled his six tiny legs as quickly as he could.
He tried so hard to stay afloat.
What could he do?
He knew that if something did not happen soon, he would definitely drown.
Dove was sitting on a tree branch above the stream.
From there she could see what was happening.
She saw that Ant was in terrible trouble and knew that she must do something with haste.