The Homework Lesson
The Homework Lesson The Homework Lesson On the first day of school, Ryan found himself in Ms. Rose's fifth grade class. He was kind of nervous because he'd heard Ms. Rose could be a real monster sometimes. But when he saw her, she looked nice enough. She had a pleasant voice and seemed to be glad to see all the kids. Ms. Rose started with an overview of what they'd be doing during the year. It actually sounded interesting. Then in a lower voice, she warned them she would be giving them homewor
The Homework Lesson

The Homework Lesson

On the first day of school, Ryan found himself in Ms. Rose's fifth grade class.He was kind of nervous because he'd heard Ms. Rose could be a real monster sometimes.But when he saw her, she looked nice enough.She had a pleasant voice and seemed to be glad to see all the kids.

Ms. Rose started with an overview of what they'd be doing during the year.It actually sounded interesting.Then in a lower voice, she warned them she would be giving them homework assignments,which absolutely, positively had to be done.They were not to be handed in late, and they were to be completed fully.No excuses! No extensions! She sounded like she meant business.

That day she assigned the class its first homework.It wasn't anything too difficult.They had to do a sheet of math problems and read a short story.It wasn't due until Thursday, but she suggested they do it immediately that night.“Homework has a way of piling up,” she said, her eyes narrowing slightly.But today was only Monday! There was lots of time, Ryan thought.

So when school was over, Ryan and his friends ran off to play baseball.Ryan got home just in time for dinner, and then his favorite TV show came on.His mom asked him if he had any homework.“No, not tonight,” he said, because he figured he really didn't for that night.He tossed his homework on his desk.

The following morning at school, Ms. Rose asked how many students in the class had finished their homework.No hands went up. She nodded but didn't say anything about it.That night she gave them a little more homework.This time they had to study for a spelling test.The spelling test wasn't until Thursday either, so Ryan didn't bother studying that night.He stacked the spelling list on top of the other papers on his desk.

The next morning, while Ryan got dressed for school, he glanced over at his desk.The pile of papers he had left there seemed taller.He shook his head and laughed at himself.That was just silly. Paper couldn't grow!

At school, no one had finished his or her homework yet.A few of the students, like Ryan, hadn't even started.Ms. Rose just smiled and reminded them that their assignments were due on Thursday, and she wouldn't tolerate anyone not having done them.Then she gave them another math homework sheet to finish for Thursday.

When Ryan got home that night, his cousin Donny had come to visit, and they played all afternoon.After dinner, Donny went home and Ryan went up to his room.He suddenly realized that it was Wednesday and that his homework was due the next day.He needed to get started!

He went to his desk and saw the most curious thing.The pile of homework really had grown taller.He was sure of it. It piled up about a foot above his desk.Ms. Rose had warned them that it could pile up, but surely she had been kidding.How could this be possible?Ryan was going to have to work very hard to get through that pile.