THE NAPPING HOUSE THE NAPPING HOUSE There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And in that house there is a bed, a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that bed there is a granny, a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that granny there is a child, a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that child there is a


There is a house, a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.
And in that house there is a bed,
a cozy bed in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.
And on that bed there is a granny,
a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.
And on that granny there is a child,
a dreaming child on a snoring granny
on a cozy bed in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.
And on that child there is a dog,
a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny
on a cozy bed in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.
And on that dog there is a cat,
a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child
on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping.