The Shepherd and the Fairy
The Shepherd and the Fairy The Shepherd and the Fairy Once upon a time, in a deep dark cave, there lived a beautiful fairy. She was a clever fairy who could do all kinds of magic. But she could do magic on the condition that she did not leave the cave for more than three days at a time. The cave was in a faraway place in the mountains. Because of this, she was very lonely. The fairy liked to go for walks in the hills and feel the fresh air. She also liked to smell the wildflowers. She enjoyed
The Shepherd and the Fairy

The Shepherd and the Fairy

Once upon a time, in a deep dark cave, there lived a beautiful fairy.She was a clever fairy who could do all kinds of magic.But she could do magic on the condition that she did not leave the cave for more than three days at a time.The cave was in a faraway place in the mountains.Because of this, she was very lonely.

The fairy liked to go for walks in the hills and feel the fresh air.She also liked to smell the wildflowers.She enjoyed watching the birds fly.She could fly, too, but not as gracefully as a sparrow or a hummingbird.

One day when the fairy was out walking, she saw a young shepherd herding his sheep.He was quite plain, but he played a wooden flute and seemed quite merry.She watched him for a while.His joy made her heart sing.She fell in love with him.

"Hello, Shepherd,"she said. "You look so happy. I really enjoyed your music.”The shepherd stopped playing his flute and smiled at her.
"Yes, ma'am, I'm very happy.”The shepherd felt a little shy.
"You're quite content?"the fairy asked."You don't need anything at all?”
"Not a thing,"the shepherd replied.
"You're sure?"asked the fairy.
The shepherd thought for a moment.Was there anything he needed in his life?He had his sheep. He had his music.
After a few moments, he said, "Well, I have everything I need, except a wife.”He smiled. He felt a little embarrassed."But I'm much too poor to think of marriage.”
The fairy looked away and twisted her hair with her finger."Will I do for a wife?"she asked.
The shepherd was so startled he almost dropped his flute."Will you do?"he gasped. "Why, I'd be the happiest man alive.”
The fairy removed a gold ring from her finger."Here, put this ring on your finger and we will be married.”The ring shimmered in the sunlight. It was radiant.
The shepherd put the ring on his finger.Suddenly his shepherd's smock turned into a beautiful suit fit for a prince.Instead of his sheep, a carriage drawn by six winged horses stood before him on the hillside.