The Song Makers Go to Salem
The Song Makers Go to Salem The Song Makers Go to Salem "Fifty-one dollars, fifty-two dollars, $53.75." Zoe, the chorus treasurer, looked up with a grin. "Our in-school bake sale today was a huge success! Thank you all for your help at lunch time!" Tabitha looked around the school's music room as everyone cheered. She was cheering too, so no one would suspect anything, but inside she felt sick. She was the only one who knew that there should be $55.75 in the money box. The school chorus had
The Song Makers Go to Salem

The Song Makers Go to Salem

"Fifty-one dollars, fifty-two dollars, $53.75." Zoe, the chorus treasurer, looked up with a grin."Our in-school bake sale today was a huge success!Thank you all for your help at lunch time!"
Tabitha looked around the school's music room as everyone cheered.She was cheering too, so no one would suspect anything, but inside she felt sick.She was the only one who knew that there should be $55.75 in the money box.
The school chorus had held two bake sales and three car washes to earn travel money for its spring performance.The Song Makers had been invited for the second year in a rowto perform along with the middle-school chorus at the state capital in Salem, Oregon.
"Tabitha? Oh, Tabitha? Are you even on this planet?"
Tabitha looked up to see Zoe frantically waving her hands at her.
"Isn't it great, Tabitha?" Zoe asked."We need to have only one more bake sale.Then we'll have enough money to go to Salem for sure.Do you want to come over?My mom's going to pick me up in a couple of minutes."
Tabitha smiled. "I can't, Zoe. I promised my little brother, Kwame,that I'd help him learn to ride his new bike today."
Zoe squished up her face and said, "Yeah, brothers!"Then she waved and hurried out the door.
Tabitha went out the door after Zoe.As she walked home she remembered what a high point singing at the capital had been for the chorus last year.Now, with the money from their bake sales and car washes, they would be able to go again.
But Tabitha had seen something that made it hard for her to share in her friends' excitement.In her mind she replayed what she had seen earlier from outside the music room.Tabitha's friend Abbey had been the first to arrive for chorus practice, and she was alone in the room.
From the hallway Tabitha saw Abbey open the money box on the table.Tabitha watched her take out a dollar, and then another, and stuff them both into her pocket.
When she arrived home, Tabitha could hear Bounce scratching at the door."Bounce, no! No scratching!"
When she finally got in through the door, Bounce was wriggling with excitement.Tabitha picked up her beagle puppy and snuggled against his soft fur."What would you do, Bounce?" she asked."Should I tell everyone what Abbey did?It would be awful to ruin everyone's good mood and make them angry at Abbey,but what she did was wrong!"
Bounce whined and licked her face in response."Some help you are, my friend!"Tabitha said, smiling at Bounce while she dangled a toy in front of his nose.
That night at dinner, Tabitha pushed the food around on her plate.
"Tabitha," her mom said. "Don't play with your food.What's the matter? Are you sick?"
"No, Mom. Maybe I'm just tired. May I be excused?"
Tabitha walked slowly up the stairs to her room to start her homework.But she couldn't concentrate because what she had seen kept bothering her.
"Why would Abbey do something like that?" she asked herself."But why am I even asking why she did it?It was just plain wrong!"
There was a soft knock on her door.
"Tabitha, it's Mom. May I come in?"
"Sure, Mom," Tabitha answered.
Tabitha's mom came in and sat on the bed."Tabitha, what is it?" she asked."I know something's wrong."
"It's nothing," Tabitha replied glumly.
"Maybe it's a problem at school?" Mom asked gently.
"Oh, Mom. I don't know what to do," Tabitha said at last, as a tear rolled down her cheek.Before she knew it, Tabitha had told her mom the whole story of seeing Abbey take the money.
Her mom listened quietly.Then she sighed and smiled."Well, Tabitha," she said."It's true that what Abbey did is wrong.Do you have any idea why she may have done it?"
"No," Tabitha sniffled, "but I know it's wrong.I should tell the other kids."
"You're right," her mom replied."But have you thought about talking with Abbey first?"
"I'm afraid to," said Tabitha.
"It won't be easy, but it's important to learn that things may not always be cut and dried," Tabitha's mom said.
"Cut and dried?" Tabitha asked.
"I'm not saying that it's all right to steal," Tabitha's mom explained,"but Abbey might have stolen the money for a reason that you don't know about.People often concentrate so much on what happened that they never think to ask why it happened."
Tabitha was very quiet for a moment.Then she said, "Well, even if Bounce were starving, I wouldn't steal!Maybe I would see if I could rake someone's leaves to earn money to feed him."
"That is a great solution," Tabitha's mom replied,"but Abbey wasn't thinking as clearly as you are.Maybe talking about it with her will help Abbey think of solutions."
Tabitha felt more confident now.Tomorrow, she decided, she would talk to Abbey.
"OK, honey," her mom said."Finish up your homework, brush your teeth, and hop into bed."She smiled at Tabitha and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
The next afternoon, Tabitha sat in class and watched the clock.She waited for school to be over for the week.She was nervous about talking to Abbey, but she was anxious to get it over with.When the bell finally rang, Tabitha jumped up and was the first person out the door.She hurried down to Abbey's classroom.
When Tabitha saw Abbey come out, she smiled at her and motioned for her to come over."Hi, Abbey," she said. "Would you like to walk home together?"
"Sure," Abbey agreed.
Tabitha had practiced what she wanted to say.She waited until they were away from the other kids, and then she took a deep breath.