The Summer of Hurricane Andrew
The Summer of Hurricane Andrew The Summer of Hurricane Andrew Kyla saw the big white RV first. She jumped up and down like a pogo stick. Kyla's my little sister. She's always doing silly stuff that embarrasses me. But this time I couldn't really blame her. I was excited myself. Grandma and Gramps were coming to visit. It was August and we hadn't seen them since December. My dad's a meteorologist - that means he studies the weather. He said he expected the weather to be perfect for their visit
The Summer of Hurricane Andrew

The Summer of Hurricane Andrew

Kyla saw the big white RV first.She jumped up and down like a pogo stick. Kyla's my little sister.She's always doing silly stuff that embarrasses me.But this time I couldn't really blame her. I was excited myself.
Grandma and Gramps were coming to visit.It was August and we hadn't seen them since December.My dad's a meteorologist - that means he studies the weather.He said he expected the weather to be perfect for their visit.Gramps would be able to take me fishing!
Before Grandma could get out of the RV, an orange fuzz ball streaked past her.Kyla jumped up and down again, yelling, "Scamp, Scamp! Come here!" Scamp is our pet dog.
Mom and Grandma hugged, and Gramps told me how much I'd grown.Then Dad's car turned into the driveway. Mom ordered everyone inside for dinner.
During dinner Dad told us about a storm out over the ocean.Dad works in Miami, Florida, at the National Hurricane Center.His team makes hurricane forecasts.If a storm looks as if it will become a hurricane, the center warns people.
"Yes, this storm is a monster. It's called Tropical Storm Andrew.The hurricane hunter flew out and took a look at it," said Dad,"but we don't think it's going to turn into a hurricane.It doesn't look like it's headed toward land.We should have great weather this weekend."
Hurricane hunters are Air Force planes that fly over the ocean to look at storms.
Gramps cleared his throat. Nothing could stop Gramps once he got started on his hurricane stories.His stories are pretty exciting.Gramps and Grandma lived in Mississippi during one of the biggest hurricanes in the United States this century.
"Now Camille, that sounds like a nice lady's name, don't you think?" said Gramps."Well, Hurricane Camille was no nice lady in my book.In 1969 she was a Category 5 hurricane.They don't get any worse than that. You wouldn't believe the destruction.Our house was a pile of broken toothpicks when Camille was done with it."