THE VAMPIRE'S VACATION THE VAMPIRE'S VACATION CHAPTER 1 "Careful going over the curb, or you'll spill the whole pile," Dink cautioned his friend Josh. "You and Ruth Rose are supposed to be holding on to it!" Josh answered. "We are holding, Josh," Ruth Rose said. "But you're pulling the wagon too fast!" An hour before, Dink and Josh had helped Ruth Rose clean some old news-papers out of her basement. Now they were hauling the papers to the recycling bin at the supermarket. For the job, R


"Careful going over the curb, or you'll spill the whole pile,"Dink cautioned his friend Josh.
"You and Ruth Rose are supposed to be holding on to it!" Josh answered.
"We are holding, Josh," Ruth Rose said. "But you're pulling the wagon too fast!"
An hour before, Dink and Josh had helped Ruth Rose clean some old news-papers out of her basement.Now they were hauling the papers to the recycling bin at the supermarket.For the job, Ruth Rose borrowed her little brother Nate's wagon.
It was early August and the sky was filled with cotton candy clouds.The kids wore shorts and T-shirts. Ruth Rose liked to dress all in one color.Her shorts and shirt were sky blue. They matched her eyes, headband, and sneakers.
The kids crossed Main Street in front of the supermarket."Almost there," Dink said, struggling to keep the tower of papers from toppling.A drop of sweat fell from the tip of his nose.
Dink's real name was Donald David Duncan.Most people called him Dink, except his mother when she was annoyed with him.
The kids tugged the wagon to a row of tall wooden bins at the side of the supermarket.Each bin was labeled according to what was being recycled, and one was for newspapers.
Dink pulled open the door, and the kids began tossing bundles of papers inside.
"Boy, was that hard work," Josh announced when they were finished.He grabbed the wagon handle. "Let's go inside and get something to drink!"