Toad Swims for his Life!
Toad Swims for his Life! Toad Swims for his Life! Welcome to the Animal Games Toad shivered as he stood at the end of the pool. It was his big day. He was going to swim in the 50 metres race. There was a big crowd at the pool. Toad peered down into the blue water. When he saw the other swimmers, his heart began to beat faster. Do I have to swim against them? But at that moment, a loud voice boomed out. Welcome, In Lane One we have Shelley Shark, Champion of the Sea. Don't get in
Toad Swims for his Life!

Toad Swims for his Life!

Welcome to the Animal Games
Toad shivered as he stood at the end of the pool.
It was his big day. He was going to swim in the 50 metres race.There was a big crowd at the pool.
Toad peered down into the blue water.When he saw the other swimmers, his heart began to beat faster.
Do I have to swim against them?
But at that moment, a loud voice boomed out.
Welcome, In Lane One we have Shelley Shark, Champion of the Sea.
Don't get in my way or I will rip you all to shreds.
Toad clamped his mouth shut. He tried to put on a brave face.
In Lane Two we have Sammy the Water Snake, Champion of the Lake.
Ssss! See... Sam... slide... ..and swim-with-such speed.
Toad's eyes almost popped off the top of his head.
In Lane Three we have Terry Tiger, Champion of the Jungle.
I am fierce and strong. I will overtake you all.
Toad's knees began to knock.
In Lane Four we have Carly Crocodile, Champion of the River?
Snap, snap, snap! I make it snappy. Anything snappy makes me happy.
Toad was wobbling like a jelly.
Toad wanted to go home. He did not stand a chance against all these other animals.Slowly, he began to crawl away from the pool. Suddenly, he heard his name.
And last, in Lane Five, we have Tommy Toad, Champion of the Pond.
I am very small and my legs are not very long, but I will do my best.
The crowd cheered. Toad could not get away now!
The race was about to start. The crowd was cheering and shouting, waving and clapping.
On your marks!
Toad was as jumpy as a Jack-in-the-Box,but he crawled to the edge of the pool and was about to plop into the water when suddenly...