Warm and Fuzzy
Warm and Fuzzy Warm and Fuzzy "You're certainly lucky to be a giraffe, Geraldine!" said Jenny. "Penny, Kenny, and I get too hot in our fuzzy wool!" "Well, I think you're lucky to be sheep," said Geraldine. "My neck gets too cold!" "Oh, dear," said Penny. "A cold neck must be the worst thing in the world!" "I don't know," said Geraldine. "Hot fuzzy wool sounds pretty bad too." Kenny sat up. "Friends," he said, "don't laugh. But I have an idea!" "Oh, tell us!" they all cried. So K
Warm and Fuzzy

Warm and Fuzzy

"You're certainly lucky to be a giraffe, Geraldine!" said Jenny."Penny, Kenny, and I get too hot in our fuzzy wool!"
"Well, I think you're lucky to be sheep," said Geraldine."My neck gets too cold!"
"Oh, dear," said Penny."A cold neck must be the worst thing in the world!"
"I don't know," said Geraldine."Hot fuzzy wool sounds pretty bad too."
Kenny sat up. "Friends," he said, "don't laugh.But I have an idea!"
"Oh, tell us!" they all cried.
So Kenny told them his idea.
And they thought it was a great one.
First, they cut Jenny's, Penny's, and Kenny's wool.
"I love your haircut, Kenny!" said Jenny.
"I'm so nice and cool now!" said Penny.