Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole. "Iguana, you will never believe what I saw yesterday." "Try me," said the iguana. The mosquito said, "I saw a farmer digging yams that were almost as big as I am". "What's a mosquito compared to a yam?" snapped the iguana. "I would rather be deaf than listen to such nonsense!" Then he stuck two sticks in his ears and went off, mek, mek, mek, through the reeds.
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears

One morning a mosquito saw an iguana drinking at a waterhole."Iguana, you will never believe what I saw yesterday.""Try me," said the iguana.The mosquito said, "I saw a farmer digging yams that were almost as big as I am"."What's a mosquito compared to a yam?" snapped the iguana."I would rather be deaf than listen to such nonsense!"Then he stuck two sticks in his ears and went off, mek, mek, mek, through the reeds.

The iguana was still grumbling to himself when he happened to pass by a python."Good morning, Iguana."The iguana did not answer but lumbered on, badamin, badamin."Now, why won't he speak to me?" said the python to himself."I'm afraid he is plotting some mischief against me!"He began looking for somewhere to hide.The first likely place he found was a rabbit hole, and in it he went, wasawusu, wasawusu.When the rabbit saw the big snake coming into her burrow, she was terrified.She scurried out through her back way and bounded, krik, krik, krik, across a clearing.

A crow saw the rabbit running for her life.It was his duty to spread the alarm in case of danger.
A monkey heard the crow.He was sure that some dangerous beast was prowling near.
As the monkey was crashing through the treetops, he happened to land on a dead limb.It broke and fell on an owl's nest, killing one of the owlets.
When Mother Owl returned to the nest, she found one of them dead.Her other children told her that the monkey had killed it.All that night, she sat in her tree, so sad, so sad, so sad!
When she should have hooted for the sun, she did not do it.The night grew longer and longer.The animals of the forest knew it was lasting much too long.They feared that the sun would never come back.
At last King Lion called a meeting of the animals.They came and sat down, pem, pem, pem, around a council fire.King Lion asked, "Mother Owl, why have you not called the sun?The night has lasted long, long, long, and everyone is worried."Mother Owl said, "Monkey killed one of my owlets.Because of that, I can not bear to wake the sun.""So it was the monkey who killed the owlet,and now Mother Owl won't wake the sun so that the day can come."
Then King Lion called the monkey."Monkey," said the King, "why did you kill one of Mother Owl's babies?""Oh King," said the monkey, "it was the crow's fault.He was calling and calling to warn us of danger.And I went leaping through the trees to help.A limb broke under me, and it fell taaa on the owl's nest."The king said to the council: "So, it was the crow who alarmed the monkey,who killed the owlet and now Mother Owl won't wake the sun so that the day can come."