A Wildlife Buffet

A Wildlife Buffet A Wildlife Buffet Cary had been waiting for Saturday, and now it was here! This was the day she and her mom would be going to the Wildlife Shelter. They were going to help with a new project. Cary thought she would burst with excitement! She loved animals. Now she was going to do something important to help them. Cary and her mom went inside the Wildlife Shelter. They met a man who was feeding baby birds. “How old are they?” Cary asked. “They are one day ol


A Wildlife Buffet

A Wildlife Buffet

Cary had been waiting for Saturday, and now it was here!

This was the day she and her mom would be going to the Wildlife Shelter.

They were going to help with a new project.

Cary thought she would burst with excitement!

She loved animals.

Now she was going to do something important to help them.

Cary and her mom went inside the Wildlife Shelter.

They met a man who was feeding baby birds.

“How old are they?” Cary asked.

“They are one day old.

We saw these birds hatch yesterday,” the man said.
