Act 2, Scene 3
Act 2, Scene 3 Act 2, Scene 3 Narrator: With her trusted Summer Carriers, Sister Sun came up with a plan. Sister Sun: I know you have already carried me all day, Summer Carriers, but I need to learn what happens when my sister follows us into the sky. Tonight before we return to my palace to rest, please wait for a few minutes behind the western hills. Summer Carriers: We will, Sister Sun. Narrator: So Sister Sun waited to learn why the people no longer worked in their fields under her warm
Act 2, Scene 3

Act 2, Scene 3
Narrator: With her trusted Summer Carriers, Sister Sun came up with a plan.
Sister Sun: I know you have already carried me all day, Summer Carriers,but I need to learn what happens when my sister follows us into the sky.Tonight before we return to my palace to rest, please wait for a few minutes behind the western hills.