An Extraordinary Girl
An Extraordinary Girl An Extraordinary Girl CHAPTER 1 An Amazing Baby Two hundred years ago, an astonishing baby was born. Ma and Pa Whirlwind already had nine boys, so they were surprised to find themselves blessed with a baby girl. "She's amazing!" her happy parents cried. "We'll call her Sally Ann." But the nine brothers were not so thrilled about having a baby girl in their family. They had all been hoping for another brother. Then they would have had even numbers for their team-wrestl
An Extraordinary Girl

An Extraordinary Girl

CHAPTER 1 An Amazing Baby
Two hundred years ago, an astonishing baby was born.Ma and Pa Whirlwind already had nine boys, so they were surprised to find themselves blessed with a baby girl.
"She's amazing!" her happy parents cried. "We'll call her Sally Ann."
But the nine brothers were not so thrilled about having a baby girl in their family.They had all been hoping for another brother.Then they would have had even numbers for their team-wrestling, mountain-racing, waterfall-diving, and tree-climbing contests.
They were even less excited when Sally Ann opened her mouth and cried for the first time.That baby girl hollered so loudly that the thunder clapped in surprise.The noise knocked the head feathers off all the eagles in the entire state.
The brothers picked themselves up off the ground.The force of their baby sister's first holler had knocked them over in a pile.
"I wouldn't call her Sally Ann," the youngest brother muttered. "Thunder Ann is more like it."
And so that hollering infant became known as Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind.