Arthur's Christmas Cookies
Arthur's Christmas Cookies Arthur's Christmas Cookies It was the Saturday before Christmas. Mother and Father were shopping. Violet was making a napkin-holder for Mother. Arthur was watching the snow fall. "I was making presents too," said Arthur. "I made a wooden lamp for Father, but it would not stand right. I sawed off one side to get it even. But I sawed off too much. Now it won't stand up at all." "Why don't you buy presents?" said Violet. "You could use the money you were sa
Arthur's Christmas Cookies

Arthur's Christmas Cookies

It was the Saturday before Christmas.
Mother and Father were shopping.
Violet was making a napkin-holder for Mother.
Arthur was watching the snow fall.
"I was making presents too," said Arthur."I made a wooden lamp for Father, but it would not stand right.I sawed off one side to get it even.
But I sawed off too much. Now it won't stand up at all."
"Why don't you buy presents?" said Violet."You could use the money you were saving."
"Well, I only had fifty-two cents," said Arthur.
"I bought two Slim Jims for twenty cents and a Big Buddy for a nickel.
Then I was thirsty, so I got a ten-cent soda.After that I got a Lola Finola Comic.The last two pennies fell out of my pocket.
They rolled into a crack on the porch.
And now I can't get them out."
"Two cents is not enough for presents anyway," said Violet. "I know," said Arthur.
"I made Father a clay paperweight," said Violet."I dried it in my Bake-E-Z oven."
"Maybe I should try to make something else," said Arthur.
"If you let me use your Bake-E-Z oven, I could bake some cookies."
"You don't know how to make cookies," said Violet.
"Yes I do," said Arthur. "We learned how at cub scouts.
I can make Christmas cookies for Mother and Father.
And I will make a special one for you," said Arthur.
"All right," said Violet. She ran to get her oven.
Arthur tied an apron around his waist.Then he got the measuring cups, the rolling pin, and the cookie sheets.
"I do like baking cookies," said Arthur.
"You don't have to saw cookies.
You don't have to worry about getting cookies to stand up. And they are good to eat."
"Here is my Bake-E-Z oven," said Violet."Remember, you promised to make a special cookie for me."
"I remember," said Arthur. "I will make you a special reindeer cookie."
"Arthur," called Norman. "Come on out. Let's have a snowball fight!"
"I can't come out," said Arthur. "Why not?" asked Norman.
"I am baking cookies now," said Arthur.
"Can I come in?" asked Norman.
"Can I lick the bowl and the scraper?"
"I am not making that kind," said Arthur.
"What kind are you making?" asked Norman.
"I am making Christmas cookies. The kind you roll out," said Arthur.
"I am making stars and angels and bells for Mother,and Christmas trees and Santa Clauses and reindeer for Father."
"You said you would make a reindeer cookie for me," said Violet.
"I know," said Arthur. "Let me help," said Violet. "It is my oven."
"I will let you and Norman get the flour and the sugar and the butter," said Arthur."But I will make the cookies by myself."
"All right," said Norman. "Where is the flour?"
"It is next to the glass jar of sugar," said Arthur.
Norman took down the glass jar of flour and the jar next to it.
"Now there is nothing for me to do," said Violet.
"You can get the butter," said Arthur. "All right," said Violet.
Arthur mixed the butter and the sugar in a bowl. He put the flour in too.
Then he added some water, and patted the dough into a large ball.
"Here is Wilma," said Violet. "Can she watch you bake cookies?"
"My big sister bakes cookies," said Wilma. "She puts in raisins and nuts.
And sometimes chocolate chips."
"I like that kind," said Norman.
"And I like oatmeal cookies and ginger cookies and the little sandwich cookies with creme in between."
"Well," said Arthur. "I am making plain sugar cookies."
"I like plain sugar cookies," said Norman. "So do I," said Wilma.
"Move back, Violet," said Arthur.
"I can't roll out the dough without mashing your nose."
"It's Wilma," said Violet. "She's pushing."
"You pushed me first," said Wilma, "and I'm pushing back."
"Watch out," yelled Arthur. "Now look what you did!"
The ball of dough fell on the floor.
It rolled under Norman's foot. "It's still good," said Norman. "Just a little dirty."
"That does it," said Arthur. "All of you get out."
"Please," said Violet. "We will be nice.
If you make us each a special cookie, I will make hot chocolate.
And we can have a Before-Christmas Party."
"Can I have a Santa cookie?" asked Norman. "Me too?" said Wilma.
"All right," said Arthur. "But no more pushing!"