Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Chapter 5 The shoemaker found his way to the Path all right. And when he got there, the fairies were dancing. But instead of waiting politely, he barged right in and began to dance with them. He danced the soles of his shoes off, as Pat had, and the fairy man lent him the red shoes. When the shoemaker came out of the ditch, he saw the jewels and pearls scattered in the grass. "Will you help yourself, or will you take what I give you?" asked the little man. "Why, I think I'll help m
Chapter 5

Chapter 5
The shoemaker found his way to the Path all right.And when he got there, the fairies were dancing.But instead of waiting politely, he barged right in and began to dance with them.He danced the soles of his shoes off, as Pat had, and the fairy man lent him the red shoes.When the shoemaker came out of the ditch, he saw the jewels and pearls scattered in the grass.