Chapter 2 The Child Wonder
Chapter 2 The Child Wonder Chapter 2 The Child Wonder Mozart played music as naturally as he breathed. When he was four years old, it took him only half an hour to learn a difficult piece of music that was written down. If he heard the piece, even if he heard it only once, he could memorize it instantly. When Wolfgang was five, Leopold and a friend came in to find him bent over a piece of paper and writing big, black notes, smearing and splattering ink everywhere. "Wolfgang, what are you doing
Chapter 2 The Child Wonder

Chapter 2 The Child Wonder

Mozart played music as naturally as he breathed.When he was four years old, it took him only half an hour to learn a difficult piece of music that was written down.If he heard the piece, even if he heard it only once, he could memorize it instantly.When Wolfgang was five, Leopold and a friend came in to find him bent over a piece of paperand writing big, black notes, smearing and splattering ink everywhere.
"Wolfgang, what are you doing spoiling the nice, clean paper?" his father asked.
"Papa, I'm writing a concerto," Mozart said, his little eyes shining.His father picked up the paper and laughed.But soon his amusement turned to amazement.It was a concerto, composed for several instruments.He could see that the notes were correct, despite the smears and blotches.
"But Wolfgang, this music would be too difficult for anyone to play," he said.
"Oh, no, it would only take some practice.See, it goes like this," said Wolfgang, and he ran to the piano.He placed his smudged paper on the music stand and began to play.