CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 10 Dink felt the wood that covered the chute. "It feels old," he said. "Back away, you guys. I'll smack it with the shovel." "How will you hit anything?" Ruth Rose asked. "I can't even see you!" Dink felt the chute again, judging its distance. He raised the shovel over his head, swung, and missed. "Pretend you're blindfolded and you're swinging at a pinata," Josh said. "It's filled with candy, money, cookies ... Thwack!" Dink's second swing struck something solid. No

Dink felt the wood that covered the chute. "It feels old," he said."Back away, you guys. I'll smack it with the shovel."
"How will you hit anything?" Ruth Rose asked. "I can't even see you!"
Dink felt the chute again, judging its distance.He raised the shovel over his head, swung, and missed.
"Pretend you're blindfolded and you're swinging at a pinata," Josh said."It's filled with candy, money, cookies ... Thwack!"
Dink's second swing struck something solid.Now that he had the right location, he was able to hit it every time he swung.
"See if it's loose," Dink said, out of breath.
"Wait a minute," Ruth Rose said. She stepped forward and felt for the wood. "I think you cracked it!"
"Okay, get back again," Dink said. He swung the shovel with all his might. This time, the wood shattered.
"You got it!" Josh said, pulling broken wood away. "Oh, gross, there's something slimy on me!"