Chapter 11 May's Big Surprise
Chapter 11 May's Big Surprise Chapter 11 May's Big Surprise Room One went to lunch. I did not eat my sandwich. Also, I did not eat my carrot sticks. 'Cause how can I even swallow stuff when my stomach still feels sickish? I kept thinking and thinking about what I did. Only it didn't even matter anymore. 'Cause now it was too late. After we got back from lunch, Mr. Scary put on a Santa hat. And he passed out cake and cookies and punch. Plus also, he gave everyone a candy cane. After
Chapter 11 May's Big Surprise

Chapter 11 May's Big Surprise
Room One went to lunch. I did not eat my sandwich.
Also, I did not eat my carrot sticks.
'Cause how can I even swallow stuff when my stomach still feels sickish?
I kept thinking and thinking about what I did.
Only it didn't even matter anymore. 'Cause now it was too late.
After we got back from lunch, Mr. Scary put on a Santa hat.And he passed out cake and cookies and punch.Plus also, he gave everyone a candy cane.
After that, he went back to our gift sacks. And he folded their tops shut.
"Okay, everyone! This is the moment we've all been waiting for!Ready for me to deliver the Secret Santa gifts?" he said. "READY!" hollered Room One.
Mr. Scary smiled. "When I give you your gift sack, please keep it on your desk," he said."Then - when everyone has their sack -we will open them all together."
May jumped up and clapped.
"That is a deal, mister!" she said real silly.
Then she sat back down. And she sang "Frosty" some more.
And all of Room One started singing with her! Except not me.
Because I still did not feel cheery about what I did.And there was nothing I could even do about it.
Pretty soon, Mr. Scary handed May her sack.
She stood up and skipped around her desk again. She was still belting out "Frosty."
I drummed my fingers on my desk.
"Okay, now her joy is actually getting on my nerves," I said to just myself.
Finally, Mr. Scary gave me my gift sack, too. "Thank you," I said.
Only I didn't actually feel that happy. 'Cause May's gift kept staying on my mind.
As soon as all the sacks were passed out,Mr. Scary walked to the front of the room. And he beamed real big.
"Okay, everyone! When I count to three, we'll open our gifts. Ready?" he said.
"READY!" we shouted. Mr. Scary started to count. "One … two … three!" Then whoosh!
All of the children pulled out their gifts at once. Except not me, again. And not May.
Instead, she just stared into her sack. And she sat there real frozen.
Her face had shock on it. Lennie turned around to see what she got. But May didn't move.
"What did you get, May?" he asked. "What's wrong? Huh? What's wrong?" May didn't answer.
Then José turned around, too. And so did Herb. And Sheldon. And Shirley.
"What's wrong with May?" they said. "Is something wrong with May?" May kept staying frozen.
Finally, Mr. Scary came back to her desk. And he bent down next to her.
"May? Is there a problem?" he asked real quiet.
May did a big swallow. Her eyes had a little bit of tears in them, I think.
Then, very slow, she handed him the gift sack. And he looked inside.
His mouth dropped open at that sight. "Oh," he said. "Oh my." He gave it back.
May looked up at him. "I can't believe anybody would do this," she said real soft.
"Do what, May?" asked Sheldon. May breathed real deep.
Then she reached into her bag. And she pulled out her gift.
Everyone gasped real loud. They could not believe their eyeballs, I tell you!
They waited to get their breath back. Then everybody started shouting all at once.
"The Squeez-a-burp! The Squeez-a-Burp! Someone got may the Squeez-a-Burp!"
"That thing costs a fortune!" called Shirley. "Squeeze it!" yelled Sheldon.
"Yes! Squeeze it!" yelled the children. May started to grin.
Then she stood up kind of slow. And she gave that thing a squeeze.