CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 2 They stared at the sign. Some of the paint had dripped down, giving the words a creepy look. Dink felt the hair on his arms stand up. "Zombie zone?" Josh said, almost in a whisper. "What does that mean?" "Beats me," Jack said. "I've never seen this sign before, and I bring hikers out here a lot." Jack moved closer to the sign. "This nail looks new," he said. "See, it hasn't had a chance to rust yet." "It looks like they used blood," Dink said. Jack touched a letter

They stared at the sign. Some of the paint had dripped down, giving the words a creepy look.Dink felt the hair on his arms stand up.
"Zombie zone?" Josh said, almost in a whisper. "What does that mean?"
"Beats me," Jack said. "I've never seen this sign before,and I bring hikers out here a lot."
Jack moved closer to the sign. "This nail looks new," he said.
"See, it hasn't had a chance to rust yet." "It looks like they used blood," Dink said.
Jack touched a letter. "No, it's just red paint." "But who put the sign here?" asked Ruth Rose.
Jack shrugged. "It could be a joke, just something to scare the tourists who hike here," he said."I've heard rumors that strange things have been happening around the cemetery near the village."
Josh gulped. "What kind of strange things?" he asked.
"Well, some people swear they saw a zombie," he said."Zombies are part of the voodoo religion.I don't know anyone who practices voodoo,but some people still believe in it. Let's keep walking."
As the kids followed Jack, Dink thought about what he had told them about zombies.He felt goose bumps crawl up and down his arms.
They hiked in silence for another few minutes. The dim trail widened into a sunny clearing.About twenty huts formed a half circle around the edges.Each hut had a porch, a garden, and a fire pit or homemade stove.