CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Jack stood up, brushing red clay from his knees. "This isn't a good time for us to be here," he said quietly to the kids. "Let's walk down to the water." He led them down a narrow trail. It ended in a sandy clearing at the edge of a bay. "I heard that man say zombies robbed those graves," Josh said. "But I thought zombies weren't real!" "I don't believe in them," Jack said. "There must be another explanation." "But who could have dug up the graves?" asked Ruth Ro

Jack stood up, brushing red clay from his knees.
"This isn't a good time for us to be here," he said quietly to the kids."Let's walk down to the water."
He led them down a narrow trail. It ended in a sandy clearing at the edge of a bay.
"I heard that man say zombies robbed those graves," Josh said.
"But I thought zombies weren't real!"
"I don't believe in them," Jack said. "There must be another explanation."
"But who could have dug up the graves?" asked Ruth Rose. "I don't know," Jack said.
"Maybe the grave robber is the same person who put up that sign we saw," Dink said.
Jack nodded. "Maybe," he said. He waved an arm toward the water. "Nice view, huh?"
The water was blue and still.Across the bay, they could see tall buildings on what looked like islands.
"Who owns those boats?" Josh asked Jack.A few yards away, several wooden boats had been left on the beach.
"The villagers," Jack said. "They fish and catch crabs out here."
"Is this the Atlantic Ocean?" Dink asked.
"No, it's part of the Gulf of Mexico," Jack said. He pointed out toward some of the islands."The Gulf joins the Atlantic way past there, at the tip of Florida."
Jack took the kids on a hike along the water's edge.They saw long-legged blue herons wading in the shallow water.Small fish darted away from the herons' shadows.Jack pointed to a deer lying in the shade.