Chapter 5 Practicing
Chapter 5 Practicing Chapter 5 Practicing After school, I ran home from my bus stop. It was Mother's day off from work. She was in the backyard playing with my baby brother named Ollie. Ollie is ten months old. He cannot skip or play tag or color. So far, I am not that satisfied with him. I ran out the back door. "Mother! Mother! I'm going to be a helper! I'm going to be a helper!" I shouted real cheery. I quick handed her my permission slip. "Read this paper! Hurry! It's from Mrs. G
Chapter 5 Practicing

Chapter 5 Practicing
After school, I ran home from my bus stop. It was Mother's day off from work.
She was in the backyard playing with my baby brother named Ollie.
Ollie is ten months old. He cannot skip or play tag or color.
So far, I am not that satisfied with him. I ran out the back door.
"Mother! Mother! I'm going to be a helper! I'm going to be a helper!" I shouted real cheery.
I quick handed her my permission slip.