Chapter 2 A Road Trip to Oz
Chapter 2 A Road Trip to Oz Chapter 2 A Road Trip to Oz Miguel had already traveled into many stories from the chest full of books in the loft and had become characters such as Huckleberry Finn and Sherlock Holmes. "Follow me," Miguel said as he led the boys into the shop's back room and up the rickety ladder to the loft. "Hey, what's in here?" Leo opened Gallardo's chest of books. "Books? Come on, Miguel!" "These are no ordinary books," Miguel said, as the sparkling red letters of one title
Chapter 2 A Road Trip to Oz

Chapter 2 A Road Trip to Oz
Miguel had already traveled into many stories from the chest full of books in the loftand had become characters such as Huckleberry Finn and Sherlock Holmes.
"Follow me," Miguel said as he led the boys into the shop's back room and up the rickety ladder to the loft.
"Hey, what's in here?" Leo opened Gallardo's chest of books. "Books? Come on, Miguel!"
"These are no ordinary books," Miguel said, as the sparkling red letters of one title caught his eye ... The Wizard of Oz.
The book fluttered open by itself to page 54. That grabbed their attention.Miguel began to read, "This was an eventful day for the travelers.They had hardly been walking an hour when they saw before them a great gorge ..."
"Boring," Trevon insisted as he peered closer at the book.
"Just wait," said Miguel, as the words jiggled around the page ..."and big could were so rocks It very deep was there sides steep at many climb many jagged them down.Bottom also the that of none the ..."