CHAPTER 2 A Story to Tell
CHAPTER 2 A Story to Tell CHAPTER 2 A Story to Tell Pedro's grandmother was up early the next morning. She told Pedro that she had a great idea about the story she was going to tell, but she needed to do some shopping. Pedro wondered why she needed to shop if she was only going to tell a story. After she walked Lucy to her bus stop, Pedro's grandmother headed to the fabric store. Everyone at Petra's Fabric Place knew Pedro's grandmother, dona Lorenza, because she was a wonderful seamstress. S
CHAPTER 2 A Story to Tell

CHAPTER 2 A Story to Tell
Pedro's grandmother was up early the next morning.She told Pedro that she had a great idea about the story she was going to tell, but she needed to do some shopping.Pedro wondered why she needed to shop if she was only going to tell a story.
After she walked Lucy to her bus stop, Pedro's grandmother headed to the fabric store.
Everyone at Petra's Fabric Place knew Pedro's grandmother, dona Lorenza, because she was a wonderful seamstress.She had started shopping at the fabric store when she moved in with Pedro's family a few years ago.At first, she had felt lonely because she didn't know anyone in her new neighborhood.
One day, a neighbor visited Pedro's parents.She noticed a delicate china doll, which wore the most beautiful lace dress she had ever seen.Pedro's mother told the neighbor that dona Lorenza had made the dress.
The news about dona Lorenza spread like wildfire.Soon, all the neighbors were asking her to make curtains, tablecloths, baby clothes, and even wedding dresses.From then on, she spent her time working magic with her needle and thread.
Pedro's grandmother walked into Petra's Fabric Place where dona Petra greeted her.
"Buenos dias, dona Lorenza. You're here early today."
"I need supplies for a special presentation on Thursday," dona Lorenza answered.
She began walking down the aisles, touching the fabrics as she went.She was looking for something, but she didn't know what.She frowned as she touched the corduroy. It was too rough.She put the silk fabric to her cheek. It felt soft and luxurious, but it wasn't what she needed.After a few minutes, something caught her eye, and she walked to the back of the store. She smiled.Petra knew that dona Lorenza had found something she liked and quickly rushed over to get the merchandise.
After picking out a few spools of thread, some ribbon, and several yards of colorful fabrics,Pedro's grandmother paid for her merchandise and left the store.She grinned all the way home because she was sure that she had everything she needed to make her story a hit.