Chapter 2 Birth Dates and Family Trees
Chapter 2 Birth Dates and Family Trees Chapter 2 Birth Dates and Family Trees Daniel heard footsteps behind him. "Daniel, how's the book?" Bennett quietly asked, walking up beside him with a couple of books in his hands. "You guys! Look at this!" Daniel whispered. Yuri and Bennett leaned close to look at the page. "Big deal," Yuri said. "So someone wrote in a library book. It's not the end of the world." "Ha! It would be if Mrs. Montoya caught them!" Bennett chuckled softly. As Granville
Chapter 2 Birth Dates and Family Trees

Chapter 2 Birth Dates and Family Trees
Daniel heard footsteps behind him.
"Daniel, how's the book?" Bennett quietly asked, walking up beside him with a couple of books in his hands.
"You guys! Look at this!" Daniel whispered.Yuri and Bennett leaned close to look at the page.
"Big deal," Yuri said. "So someone wrote in a library book. It's not the end of the world."
"Ha! It would be if Mrs. Montoya caught them!" Bennett chuckled softly.As Granville librarian, Mrs. Montoya strictly enforced the rules,which the boys knew from talking too loudly about books they enjoyed.
"No, look closer at the message," Daniel urged.As his friends crowded around him, Daniel showed them the acrostic spelling out his name.Then he pointed to the message at the bottom.
"So, what do you think?" he asked.
"Well, what's your birthday?" Yuri answered.
"January eleventh," Daniel responded.They all looked at the table of contents to see any signs of January or birthdays, but nothing seemed to match up.